Kohlrabi Fritters
Peel the fibrous skin from the kohlrabi before shredding. You can use large daikon radish or turnips for this recipe too! Use your favorite dressing or dip for these fritters or use the lemony drizzle with chevre suggested here.
- 3 medium kohlrabi bulbs (I have substituted many different root vegetables such as carrot, beet, potato, and rutabaga.)
- ¼ cup flour of choice (I have used many different kinds of wheat free flours with success.)
- 1 egg
- 1 tablespoon dried dill or more if fresh
- Juice of one lemon
- Zest of one lemon
- ½ teaspoon salt
- Sugar, to taste
- Chèvre, to garnish
- Oil for pan frying
Shred kohlrabi or root vegetables into a large bowl. Add egg, dill, lemon peel, salt, flour, juice from 1/2 lemon. Add a little more flour if the mixture is still very wet, you want the kohlrabi to stick together.
Heat a pan to medium with oil. Scoop out the mixture in a ¼ cup measure and press down with a spoon. Drop mixture onto the pan, flatten with a spatula and fry until golden on each side.
Mix remaining lemon juice with a little sugar until you have a sweet concoction to drizzle onto the fritters at the table.
Top the fritters with chevre.
Submitted by Tina Hansleben, Tucson CSA