Onion Mustard Crackers
Can’t figure out what to do with your mustard greens? These crackers make a surprisingly wonderful, and healthy, snack. The mustard takes a back seat and is so mild. I hope a few members may get motivated and enjoy. This is a raw recipe that uses a food dehydrator, but you should be able to bake the crackers on a very low oven setting, if you need to.
- 1 bunch mustard greens, well cleaned
- 1/2 large yellow sweet onions
- About 1 cup of almonds (preferably sprouted)
- 3/4 cup of golden flax seed
- About 1 teaspoon turmeric, to taste
- Himalayan salt to taste
Puree mustard greens in a blender. In large bowl add mustard greens to the flax seeds. The moisture from the greens will start to ‘gel’ with the flax seeds. Puree the onions and add them too. Allow to sit for at least one hour. Grind sprouted almonds in food processor. Add to mixture. Add seasonings with your clean loving hands so ingredients get mixed thoroughly. Let sit for another hour, until the mixture gets a firm pliable texture. Spread on dehydrator sheets to cracker thickness. Dry at 105 degrees for up to 18 hours. Or, spread on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and bake at 250, checking every 30
minutes or so until cracker is mostly dry and firm.
Submitted by Felice Gaia, Tucson CSA