New Roots Farm Program

You may have known about our long-standing partnership with Iskashitaa Refugee Network – often seen in the “excess” citrus that we have for donation or purchase during the winter/spring months. Now we are excited to also partner with a separate entity that supports refugee families. This week we’ll be offering extra okra and banana sweet peppers from New Roots for sale in our CSA Shop. Support local and get extras before seasons change!
The New Roots program at IRC is an initiative to support gardening, food security, nutrition, enterprise, and production within the US network of IRC offices. In Tucson, New Roots empowers refugees and other community members to grow their own food for their families and for the market. Many refugees have agrarian backgrounds, and this program allows them to employ their skills for the economic advancement of themselves and their families. New Roots aims to increase access to locally grown and healthy foods and work to increase the overall health of our community.