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CSA Lending Library – Free & for you!

When it is not too hot to linger or raining, you may have seen a small selection of Tucson CSA’s “Lending Library” out during pick-ups . We are excited to introduce our new members, and re-introduce our on-going members, to this great resource that is free and just for you!

The Tucson CSA Food Literature Lending Library was created to provide Tucson CSA members with another resource for learning about food. Currently, you’ll find everything from Thai vegetarian cookbooks to literature about agriculture’s role in the Black liberation movement. We also have books on gardening in the desert, water harvesting, and more!

You can check out our current catalogue by visiting

We’ll need to set up an account for you before you can check out a book out from the Food Literature Lending Library.

If you’re interested, please send us an email at with the subject line “Lending Library Account.” We can set up your TinyCat account and help you create a password. Then you can browse what we have in back from your own device on your time.

This is an ongoing resource and we would love to have you sign up to check out books. Happy reading!