Cucumbers and Melon in Chamoy Sauce
More salty, sour melon ideas perfect for the summer heat! All you will need is a bottle of chamoy sauce. There are usually several brands to choose from, ask for a recommendation at your favorite carniceria or Mexican grocery store. This snack is great when it is freshly made but the longer it marinates the more the tangy flavors soak in.
1 cucumber, seeds and skin removed
1/2 medium melon, seeds and skin removed
Sliced apples, pineapple, mango or jicama, if desired
Chamoy sauce
Lime juice, optional
Chile powder, optional
Cut fruit and vegetables into long strips or cubes. Toss with a generous drizzle of chamoy sauce. Taste for seasoning and add more sauce, lime and/or chile powder if desired.
Submitted by Sara Jones, Tucson CSA