Balsamic Lemon Greens
This is one of the first, super simple recipes that we tried on our very first farm tour in 2005. The tart flavor of vinegar or citrus compliments the mild bitter flavor of braising greens. Greens prepared this way are a great side dish for a hearty cornbread and bean stew. Add a sprinkle of grated cheese before serving, if desired.
1 or 2 bags or bunches of greens
1-2 cloves garlic
2 teaspoons oil
1 squeeze of lemon juice
Dash balsamic vinegar to taste
Dash soy sauce to taste
Wash and chop greens, leaving the moisture on leaves. Heat about 2 teaspoons of oil over medium high heat. Add greens and garlic and stir well to coat. Cover and cook briefly, just until wilted, then add a squeeze of lemon, a few dashes of balsamic vinegar and soy sauce. Cover again and cook a few more minutes.
Submitted by Sara Jones, Tucson CSA