Sleeping Frog Farms
Cascabel, Arizona
Sleeping Frog Farms is located in Cascabel, about 90 minutes and one winding road east of Tucson. The 75-acre plot of land is farmed by owner Clay Smith, Laurel Goslin, and a few other transient farmers who come and go throughout the year. Sleeping Frog Farms has been using permaculture design and biodynamic growing principles to grow food for the surrounding community since 2008.
Situated almost 1,000 feet higher in elevation than Tucson, Cascabel is an ideal place for a year-round certified naturally organic farm like Sleeping Frog Farms. Nestled in the Cascabel corridor of the San Pedro River Valley, the farm is designed to work in harmony with the surrounding wildlife. In addition to growing produce, the farm supports a few farm animals like chickens, pigs, and cows which help with weed management in the fields and around the property. Farm dogs New Dog and Heady help to protect the crops and farm animals from predators like javelinas and bobcats.
Sleeping Frog Farms has been growing produce for Tucson CSA’s produce shares since 2015. Currently they provide about half of the produce in our Wednesday CSA shares. Sleeping Frog Farms also provides the Tucson CSA Shop with jars of raw, unfiltered honey that is harvested from the hives on their property. Depending on the time of the year, you might find wildflower, catclaw, and/or mesquite honey at Tucson CSA.
Products We Offer
Find varieties and various size of local honey by Sleeping Frog Farms in our CSA Shop Enjoy produce from Sleeping Frog Farms in our Wednesday pick-up shares
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Join our Waitlist to get local produce from Sleeping Frog Farms weekly. They supply half of Wednesday produce items in shares.
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Find more info on their website: Sleeping Frog Farms