Crooked Sky Farms
Phoenix & Duncan, Arizona
Frank Martin, endearingly known as Farmer Frank, started Crooked Sky Farms in Phoenix in 1994. After working in the fields next to his migrant farmworker parents and seeing the harmful effects that chemicals had on them, Frank pursued natural farm methods. As an adult he began to learn the skills he needed to grow organic produce and eventually acquired enough land and expertise to become a full-time farmer.
The son of a Native American man, Farmer Frank continues to use his father’s teachings to steward the land on which he grows. His farmland in Phoenix and Duncan, Arizona allow Frank to farm year-round using heirloom varieties, natural pest and weed remedies, crop rotation, and other sustainable farming practices that don’t exploit the fields or the farmers working in them.
Farmer Frank is an immensely talented farmer who takes pride in his produce and staff, all of whom make above $15 an hour. Frank’s knowledge around different varieties of produce is astounding, and he has helped many other beginning farmers and aspiring gardeners in their journey to grow food. One such example of this is Frank’s advocacy around the i’itoi onion, which once again became popular when Farmer Frank planted them himself and showed other farmers and gardeners how to do so, too. In these ways, Famer Frank is helping to propagate heritage crops and increase Arizona’s food security.
Crooked Sky Farms has been Tucson CSA’s primary producer since its inception in 2004. Farmer Frank and his dedicated team of skilled farmers, administrators, and truck drivers play an essential role in nourishing our CSA members with Certified Naturally Grown produce to this day. Today, Crooked Sky Farms supplies almost all of the produce in our Tuesday CSA shares and about half of the produce in our Wednesday CSA shares.
Products We Offer
Find Crooked Sky Farms produce in our shares on both Tuesday and Wednesday Buy bags of pinto and black beans in the CSA Shop for $3 each
Subscribe for Produce Shares
Join our Waitlist to get local produce from Crooked Sky Farms weekly. They supply all of Tuesday and half of Wednesday produce items in shares.
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Find more info on their website: Crooked Sky Farms