Partnering for food security and equity
How it Works:
Since the pandemic began, food insecurity among families with children has nearly tripled. Food insecure families often depended upon the breakfast and/or lunch meal(s) provided by schools to feed their children, something that is no longer accessible to many. In addition, already-impoverished families have lost what employment they had, and are struggling to put nourishing meals on the table. Communities of color, who experience food insecurity at more than twice the rate of white Americans, are especially affected.
Thanks to a grant in 2021 from the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona, Tucson CSA was able to start providing fresh produce bags (with recipes!) for the Imago Dei Middle School Family Food Pantry.
With ongoing support from Pinnacle Prevention’s “Purchase Local Arizona”, we continue to provide produce bags to roughly 25 families twice monthly. We are grateful and honored to be able to provide generous portions of fresh, local produce for low-income families to help meet immediate nutritional needs and furnish the education and support necessary to increase food sovereignty in our vulnerable school community – and, we hope, beyond.