August 5, 2019
Red Potatoes, White Onions, Sweet Potatoes, Tomatillos, Tomatoes, Roasted Green Chiles, Butternut Squash
August 5, 2019
Red Potatoes, White Onions, Sweet Potatoes, Tomatillos, Tomatoes, Roasted Green Chiles, Butternut Squash
Crooked Sky: Red Potatoes, White Onions, Yellow Hot Peppers, Tomatillos; Sleeping Frog: Summer Squash, Kale, Peaches
July 29, 2019
Corn, Choice of Anaheim Chile or Bell Peppers, Peaches, Butternut Squash, Black Beans, Amaranth Greens, Farmer’s Choice
Crooked Sky: Corn, Butternut Squash, Anaheim Chile, Tomatoes, Farmer’s Choice; Sleeping Frog: Choice of Kale or Carrots, Peaches
July 22, 2019
Tomatillos, Spaghetti Squash, Tomatoes (Double Share), Carrots, Summer Squash, Gold Onions, Choice of Potatoes or Okra
Crooked Sky: Tomatillos, Tomatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Choice of Okra or Potatoes; Sleeping Frog: Peaches, Carrots, Figs
July 15, 2019
Watermelon, Mixed Melons, Butternut Squash, Bell Peppers, Tomatoes, Beets, Pinto Beans, Squash Blossoms
Crooked Sky: Tomatoes, Summer Squash, Spaghetti Squash, Eggplant; Sleeping Frog: Carrots, Honey
July 8, 2019
Sweet Corn, Mixed Tomatoes, Summer Squash, Shishito Peppers, Green Beans, Coriander Seeds, Choice of Melon or Sweet Potatoes
Crooked Sky: Watermelon, Juliette Tomatoes, Bell Peppers, Choice of Melon or Sweet Potatoes; Sleeping Frog: TBA