Welcome to Tucson CSA!
We welcome all who want to participate in a healthier and more sustainable food system.
What exactly is a CSA? A CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) is a partnership of mutual commitment between a farm and a community of members who pledge their support to the farm operation, with the farmers and consumers providing mutual support and sharing the risks and benefits of food production. Members pay upfront for a season by buying “shares” of the farm’s future harvests. You also can now use your SNAP/EBT to purchase 6-week subscriptions with Arizona Double Up Bucks! This provides the farm with a stable market for a diverse selection of crops. Through direct sales to their members, growers receive better prices for their crops and are relieved of much of the burden of marketing their products. Members also share in the risks of farming, including poor harvests caused by unfavorable weather, pests or field conditions.
In return, the farm pledges to offer its members weekly “shares” of its harvests. One of the greatest pleasures of eating local organically grown produce comes from knowing that it is grown by farmers who made conscious choices about cultivating their land in environmentally, economically and socially responsible ways. They give us produce which is fresher, healthier, more diverse and more flavorful than industrially grown produce which is generally harvested before maturity and shipped over long distances. Participating in a local food system also fosters closer relationships among us, the foods we eat, those who grow it, and the environment we live in.
This mutually supportive relationship between local farmers and community members helps create an economically stable farm operation in which members are assured the highest quality produce while adequately supporting local.
A successful local food economy implies not only a new kind of food producer, but a new kind of eater as well, one who regards finding, preparing, and preserving food as one of the pleasures of life rather than a chore.
Wendell Berry