Fiore di Capra eggs

You may have noticed that we have started selling more eggs from Fiore di Capra over the past year than Josh’s Foraging Fowls eggs as demand and supply sway up and down. We have received nothing but positive feedback on both eggs, so we will continue to offer both – whether you like the historical consistency of Josh’s eggs or the beautiful colors and quality of Fiore eggs – or both!
Here is what Alethea, the owner of Fiore di Capra has to say about her chickens:

We raise a wide variety of chicken breeds in order to provide multiple egg colors in each dozen.
Our favorites are the Black Copper Marans, who lay the dark chocolate brown eggs and the Olive Eggers. The Olive Eggers are a cross between our Black Copper Marans and blue egg layers.
We also raise heritage breeds to provide white, tan and brown eggs. These include Leghorns, Delaware and Sussex.
Our chickens are fed a high quality corn and soy free Organic feed. While we do not have pasture due to the immense amount of water required, we do grow sprouts and other goodies for our chickens to enjoy fresh greens. They also love scratching around the farm for as many bugs as they can find!