Giving Back and Growing Together

You may recall that Tucson CSA participated in a grant a few years ago to provide CSA-style bags to families in need of support at Imago Dei Middle School. You may also recall that we are building relationships with smaller farmers as part of the New Roots program.
We are excited to announce that we are working through Pinnacle Prevention again and their “Purchase Local AZ” funding. We have started back up with CSA bags for families and we are getting to work with more and more small farmers who may not be able to grow 200 of one crop to get out to you all – our membership- on one day, but who can provide 25 of an item that low-income families get to enjoy.

We are grateful to be able to use some of these funds to continue to support our CS-Aid program for those who need financial assistance to participate with Tucson CSA.
Next month we will have an exciting new pilot program working with the UA Food Extension program’s new “Veggie Van” and getting CSA-style bags out to The Tucson House. Stay tuned for more ways that Tucson CSA is working to give back to the community and grow more relationships with small farmers in Southern Arizona.