Compost Cats at Tucson CSA

Starting Tuesday, January 4th, members and supporters of Tucson CSA will have the opportunity to sign up to participate in the University of Arizona Compost Cats Bucket Program. On January 4 & 5 during share pick up, representatives from the Compost Cats program will set up to share information about their program. We are excited to work together with the Compost Cats and aim to be able to offer the Bucket Program to our members and support such an impactful group. Compost Cats are hoping to be set up during share pick up through January to educate members about what can be composted, answer any questions and help get you signed up for the Bucket Program.
About Compost Cats
The University of Arizona Compost Cats Bucket Program is a residentially focused food scrap and compost collection. Compost is collected at pick up sites by Student Compost Specialists, (Tucson CSA will be a new pick up site) and taken to the University of Arizona community garden to be composted and then sown back into the community garden. Compost Cats are part of the Office of Sustainability at the University of Arizona. Since the Bucket Program was launched in the Fall 2020, over 15,000 pounds of food scraps have been diverted from landfills!

Why Compost?
Composting is the natural process of transforming food scraps and other organic materials into a nutrient rich soil that promotes plant growth. Compost is beneficial to gardens and plants. From enhancing the plant health and plant resistance to common diseases; aiding healthy soil and symbiotic fungi that benefit plant roots; as well as helping plants retain moisture. Composting can help avoid harmful new greenhouse gases, such as methane, which stem from the decomposition of organic waste in landfills. Additionally, landfills have a lifespan and many are quickly approaching capacity and composting can help reduce the need for new landfills. Through the Compost Cats program, students can also be involved with the growing and redistribution of still-edible foods through programs like the Community Food Bank.

How the Bucket Program works
First things first, fill out an interest form when the Compost Cats are set up during share pick up. On this form you will pick whether you would like a 2-gallon or 5-gallon bucket (supplied to you by the compost Cats) or if you would like to use your own container. At that time, there will be printed information available with the list of acceptable compostable items and those that are prohibited. During January, specialists will be on site to answer any questions and concerns you might have. Once you have your bucket you will simply fill your compost bucket and then bring it back the following week during share pick up for the Student Compost Specialists to turn into compost. Easy peasy!
There is a small monthly fee that goes along with the program for non-students. Students do get to participate in the program free. However, there is a One-Time Onboarding Fee that is for everyone, including students:
- 2-Gallon Bucket: $20
- 5-Gallon Bucket: $30
- Own Container: $20
Once the One-Time Onboarding Fee is made, then the monthly fee for non-students is $12. Non-Students that enroll for a full year are eligible for one month free when the entire amount ($132) is paid upfront.
Ask any questions you may have and find out more info during your CSA pick up!