Asian Pears from Aravaipa Farms

You know you are about to experience something quite special when the pavement ends and the canyon opens up below you. Just about 1.5 hours north of central Tucson past the historic towns of Oracle and Mammoth, you find the unassuming turn-off to the Aravaipa Canyon Wilderness West Entrance…and the Aravaipa Farms Orchard & Inn.
The perennial Aravaipa Creek supplies the water that makes this valley, and the fruits of this orchard, a unique destination in our Sonoran Desert. You may have seen one of their brochures at the CSA, or even experienced what they call this “unique rustic luxe” getaway. This majestic oasis is also the source of the delicious peaches you enjoyed in your shares a few weeks ago, or maybe bought extras from The CSA Shop.
We are excited to be bringing you Housi Asian Pears from the Orchard starting this week in Tuesday shares and through The CSA Shop. Originated from Japan, the Housi are considered to be the best flavored of all Asian Pears. They are round and golden, and combine the flavor and sweetness of pears with the crunchiness of crisp apples. It is said that Hosui pears are an excellent source of vitamin C, and are also a good source of fiber, which is primarily found in the skin, and contains minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, and manganese.
Whole, unwashed Hosui pears will keep for several weeks when stored in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator.